Functions by Category
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mSim Toolbox Version 1.0 28-March-2014
- Assemble_LHS - Assemble the condunctunce matrix
- Assemble_RHS - Assemble the right hand side
- caclBKB - Computes the product B'*K*B
- calcBKBline_Lin - Computes the the product B'*K*B for linear line elements
- calcBKBline_quad - Computes the the product B'*K*B for linear line elements
- calcBKBtriang_Lin - Computes the the product B'*K*B for linear trianlge elements
- calcBKBtriang_quad - Computes the the product B'*K*B for quadratic trianlge elements
- calcBKBQuad_Lin - Computes the the product B'*K*B for linear quadrilateral elements
- calcBKBQuad_quad_9 - Computes the the product B'*K*B for quadratic quadrilateral elements
- calcBKBPrism_Lin - Computes the the product B'*K*B for linear prism elements
- calcBKBPrism_quad - Computes the the product B'*K*B for quadratic prism elements
- calcBKBHex_Lin - Computes the the product B'*K*B for linear hexahedral elements shape function derivatives of quadratic hexahedral elements
- calcBKBHex_quad_27 - Computes the the product B'*K*B for quadratic hexahedral elements
- initialize_BEM - Initialize the matrix that will hold the shape functions derivatives values
- integr_order - Computes the gaussian integration points
- interp_with_shapefnc - Interpolates using shape functions values
- shapeDerivatives - Computes the shape function derivatives
- shapeDerivLine_Lin - Computes the shape function derivatives of linear line elements
- shapeDerivLine_quad - Computes the shape function derivatives of quadratic line elements
- shapeDerivTriang_Lin - Computes the shape function derivatives of linear trianlge elements
- shapeDerivTriang_quad_help - Computes the shape function derivatives of quadratic trianlge elements
- shapeDerivQuad_Lin - Computes the shape function derivatives of linear quadrilateral elements
- shapeDerivQuad_quad_9 - Computes the shape function derivatives of quadratic quadrilateral elements
- shapeDerivPrism_Lin - Computes the shape function derivatives of linear prism elements
- shapeDerivPrism_quad - Computes the shape function derivatives of quadratic prism elements
- shapeDerivHex_Lin - Computes the shape function derivatives of linear hexahedral elements
- shapeDerivHex_quad_27 - Computes the shape function derivatives of quadratic hexahedral elements
- shapefunctions - Computes the shape functions
- solve_system - Solves the linear system
- ADE1Danalytical - Analytical solution of the ADE in 1D
- Assemble_LHS_std - Assembles the matrices for ADE in steady state flow
- calcNvB - Computes the product N*v*B in vectorized manner
- calcNDBline_Lin - Computes the product N*v*B for linear line elements
- calcNLN - Computes the product N'*L*N in vectorized manner for linear line elements
- DispCoeff - Calculates the dispersion coefficients
- SteadyFlowTransport - Solves the Advection dispersion equation for steady state flow
- ParticleTracking_main - main particle tracking function options
- part_options - returns the particle tracking options
- Build2Dmeshinfocpp - Generates the connectivity mesh
- Calc_Area - Calculates the area of 2D mesh elements
- Calc_Barycenters - Calculates the volume of mesh elements
- Calc_volume - Calculates the barycentes of mesh elements
- Centerfor2points - Computes the center of a circle
- CSGobj_v2 - A class for the mesh generation
- Dist_Point_LineSegment - Computes Point line distance
- extrude_mesh - Extrudes 2D mesh to 3D mesh
- find_elem_id_point - Finds the id of the element that contains a given point
- helix_axis - Generates points along a helix with axis defined by two points
- iscw - Checks the orientation of mesh elements
- mapElemto2D - Transform elements (used internally)
- msim_compile - Compiles the C/C++ functions
- msim_mesh_options - Default mesh options
- read_2D_Gmsh - Reads mesh file generated by Gmsh
- readArcGisASCIIfile - Reads ARCGIS raster data in ascii format
- WriteAscii4Raster - Writes Data to ASCII ARCGIS fromat
- WriteVtkMesh - Writes Data to Vtk format
- ComputeURF - Computes the unit response function for a given streamline
- ConvoluteURF - Convolutes the unit response function with loading functions
- distribute_particle_streams - Distribute particles around streams
- distribute_particle_wells - Distribute particles around wells