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Writes Data to vtk format for visualization with ParaView or Visit
Version : 1.0
Author : George Kourakos
email: giorgk@gmail.com
web : http://groundwater.ucdavis.edu/msim
Date 27-Dec-2014
Department of Land Air and Water
University of California Davis
WriteVtkMesh(filename, MSH, p, propND, propCL, eltype)
filename: The name of the file without the suffix .vtk
MSH: Mesh connectivity [Nel x Nsh], where Nel is the number of elements and Nsh is the number of dofs per element
p: node coordinates [Npx3], where Np is the number points. Optionally one can use 2D points. In that case the function will add a zero elevation
propND: Properties assigned on mesh nodes. Use [] if there are no properties. propND is a structure variable with 3 fields. name a string with the name of the property, val the values for the property name and type can be either scalar or vector. In case of scalar the martix val has dimensions [Npx1] whereas in case of vectors the val dimensions are [Np x 3].
propCL: Properties assigned on mesh cells. Use [] if there are no properties. propCL is a structure variable with 3 fields. name a string with the name of the property, val the values for the property name and type can be either scalar or vector. In case of scalar the martix val has dimensions [Nelx1] whereas in case of vectors the val dimensions are [Nel x 3].
eltype: element type :'triangle', 'quad', 'hex', 'prism'. The code will determine the element order from the size of the MSH argument.
This function writes data to a file
Example for propND and propCL. In this example we assign a scalar value of hydraulic heads and vector values of velocity to mesh nodes. We assign also scalar values of horizontal and vertical conductivities to mesh cells
propND(1,1).name = 'heads'; propND(1,1).val = Hf; propND(1,1).type = 'scalars';
propND(2,1).name = 'Velocity'; propND(2,1).val = [Vx Vy Vz]; propND(2,1).type = 'vectors';
propCL(1,1).name = 'HorizCond'; propCL(1,1).val = Knd; propCL(1,1).type = 'scalars';
propCL(2,1).name = 'VertCond'; propCL(2,1).val = Lnd; propCL(2,1).type = 'scalars';