Ubuntu fresh install

As I tend to do frequent fresh installations of Ubuntu, I decided to make a list of all the libraries I would have to install manually as well as how I installed them ( e.g. via code, software center, other).

C++ compiler

To my surprise Ubuntu 14.04 (16.04 was ok) had no c++ compiler, however installation requires two lines of code

Building Essentials

That’s easy too:

MPI compilers

First download openmpi from their website and extract it locally. Then

Last we have to define the paths so that the programs can see the new library. First open an editor

and add at the end of the file the following lines:

log out and log in and you are all set.


Cmake is a very important tool to have and the installation is also straightforward.

Download the code for their website and extract the files. The following lines should be enough for the installation:

Flex and Bison

These two libraries were required by various packages.


Just follow the guide


You can use the following two lines to get the version that’s already compiled, which is typically older than the most recent


That’s one of the few libraries that I have always failed to compiled from the source, therefore I always get the one provided by the repositories



If the command window executes but doesn’t print the commands use the following


Ubuntu Software Center

This is a list of software to get right from the software center

  • Krusader (Similar to total commander)
  • Geany (Great Text editor)
  • QGIS (as an alternative to ArcGIS)
  • graphviz
  • Gnuplot
  • Povray
  • PETSc
  • splint





Useful Linux commands

How to

1)  untar files:

see more

2) create desktop shortcut:

3) switch g++ compilers (assuming you have more than one)

see more

4) shutdown from terminal

5) find the ubuntu version

see more

6) Switching workspaces

While most Ubuntu users may know that ctrl+arrows is a quick way to navigate through the different workspaces, fewer may know that ctrl+shift+arrows is also transferring the currently active window to the new workspace.

7) Move files recursively

Lets suppose we want to move all files with *.bin suffix from the current directory to a different one (e.g. ../Results/). The following command does the trick

8) Setting up Swap space

This link has all one needs to configure a swap space