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function out_raster = Equal_Areas(in_raster, Nunits, id, excludeid, method, opt) % out_raster = Equal_Areas(in_raster, Nunits, id, excludeid, method, opt) % This function divides a raster into equal areas % % INPUTS: % in_raster : raster to be divided. Each cell id in the raster is % treated as a different region % Nunits : The number of cells that each each equal area cell will have (Units are cells). % id : Divides only the area associated with the particular id. % If empty then all areas are divided. % % excludeid : any area associated with ids in this list will not be divided % This is usefull to exclude no data cell. % method : switches between the scott and metis method % opt : options for the metis case. Consists of the following fields % name : name of the simulation. % metis_path : Path of the metis program. It can be empty if % Default_metis_path variable is defined % % OUTPUTS % outraster : The raster with the equal area cells. switch method case 'scott' out_raster = Equal_Area_Scott(in_raster, Nunits, id, excludeid); case 'metis' All_ids = unique(in_raster); Xcoords = 1:size(in_raster,2); Ycoords = size(in_raster,1):-1:1; out_raster = nan(size(in_raster)); for i = 1:length(All_ids) if ~isempty(find(excludeid == All_ids(i),1)) continue end N_pixel_per_region = sum(sum(in_raster == All_ids(i))); N_eq_areas = round(N_pixel_per_region / Nunits); clear p TR; [ii, jj] = find(in_raster == All_ids(i)); p(:,1) = Xcoords(jj); p(:,2) = Ycoords(ii); TR = delaunay( p(:, 1), p(:, 2) ); %run metis if N_eq_areas < 2 N_eq_areas = 2; end opt = check_metis_options(opt); [ElPart, NDPart] = decompose_2D_mesh(TR, N_eq_areas, opt); out_raster(sub2ind(size(out_raster), ii, jj)) = All_ids(i)*1000+NDPart+1; end otherwise warning('Uknown method. Use scott or metis'); out_raster = nan; end end function [ElPart NDPart]=decompose_2D_mesh(MSH_2d,Nsub,opt) % This function decompose a 2D mesh into Nsub subdomains % %Input: % p_2d :[np x 2] coordinates of mesh points % % MSH_2d : Mesh structure % % Nsub : either a number or a string. In case of string specifies the file % that decribes the subdomain division. Otherwise runs the Metis and create % the file. % % Nlay is the number of layers. The elevation has to be adjusted later % opt structure variable with fields % name : name of the simulation. In case number Nsub, this is the name % metis_path : Path of the metis program. It can be empty if % Default_metis_path variable is defined % %create inputfile for mpmetis frmt='%g'; for ii=2:size(MSH_2d,2)-1 frmt=[frmt ' %g']; end frmt=[frmt ' %g\n']; fid=fopen([opt.name '.mesh'],'w'); fprintf(fid,'%g\n',size(MSH_2d,1)); fprintf(fid,frmt,MSH_2d'); fclose(fid); %run metis system([opt.metis_path ' ' opt.name '.mesh ' num2str(Nsub)]) %read mesh partition fid=fopen([opt.name '.mesh' '.epart.' num2str(Nsub)]); A=textscan(fid,'%f'); fclose(fid); ElPart=A{1,1}; fid=fopen([opt.name '.mesh' '.npart.' num2str(Nsub)]); A=textscan(fid,'%f'); fclose(fid); NDPart=A{1,1}; end function opt = check_metis_options(opt) if ispc Default_metis_path='c:\Users\gkourakos\Downloads\metis-5.0.2\build\windows\programs\Release\mpmetis.exe'; else Default_metis_path='/home/giorgos/Downloads/metis-5.1.0/build/Linux-x86_64/programs/mpmetis'; end if isempty(opt) opt.metis_path=Default_metis_path; opt.name='tempMetis'; end if isempty(opt.metis_path); opt.metis_path=Default_metis_path; end end function outraster = Equal_Area_Scott(raster, min_area, id, excludeid) % outraster = Equal_Area(inraster, min_area, Neq_areas, id) % This function divides a raster into equal area cells % % INPUTS: % raster : raster to be devided. Each cell id in the raster is % treated as a different region % min_area : The area of each equal area cell (Units are cells). % id : Divides only the area associated with the particular id. % If empty then all areas are divided. % % excludeid : any area associated with ids in this list will not be divided % This is usefull to exclude no data cell. % % OUTPUTS % outraster : The raster with the equal area cells. % % Usage: % If the raster comes from ARCGIS layer then read it into the Matlab workspace using % [raster metadata]=readArcGisASCIIfile(asciiraster.asc); % % Next this function to create the equal area cells % % and finaly convert them to ARCGIS raster ascii.asc file using % createAsciiforRaster(filename,TAB,xl,yl,csz,nodata) % (The additional functions are part of the mSim software http://groundwater.ucdavis.edu/msim/) if isempty(id) id = unique(raster); end id = setdiff(id, excludeid); [nr nc] = size(raster); outraster = nan(nr,nc); for k = 1:length(id) inraster=raster==id(k); NumCells=sum(sum(inraster)); NumCell_per_eq_area=round(min_area); Ncat=round(NumCells/NumCell_per_eq_area); tempraster=zeros(size(inraster)); tempraster(~inraster)=nan; Strips=zeros(size(inraster)); Nstrips=round(sqrt(Ncat)); NumCell_strip=round(NumCells/Nstrips); cumsum_strips=cumsum(sum(inraster)); istart=1; for i=1:Nstrips-1 [~,iend]=min(abs(cumsum_strips-i*NumCell_strip)); Strips(:,istart:iend)=i; istart=iend+1; end Strips(:,istart:end)=Nstrips; iCat=1;cntCells=0; up=true; for i=1:Nstrips fprintf('%g strip out of %g\n', [i Nstrips]) %find the lower left unused pixel [Is Js]=ind2sub(size(Strips),find(Strips==i,1)); if i~=Nstrips [Ie Je]=ind2sub(size(Strips),find(Strips==i+1,1)); else Je=nc; end if up Is=1;Ie=nr;step=1; else Is=nr;Ie=1;step=-1; end for ii=Is:step:Ie for jj=Js:Je-1 if ~isnan(tempraster(ii,jj)) && tempraster(ii,jj)==0 tempraster(ii,jj)=iCat; cntCells=cntCells+1; if cntCells==NumCell_per_eq_area iCat=iCat+1; if iCat>Ncat iCat=Ncat; end cntCells=0; end end end end up=~up; end outraster(inraster) = id(k)*1000+tempraster(inraster); end end |