Transport simulation in 1D

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This example illustrates how to use msim functions to solve 1D ADE. The solution of 1D ADE is an important part in streamline modeling. Besides showing the msim functions we perform a small analysis on the parameters of the ADE.


Problem Description

The domain of the problem is a line 5 km long.

L = 5000;

We will discretize the domain into 50 m linear line elements. Therefore the coordinates of the points are

p = ( 0:50:L )';
Np = size(p, 1);

Next we define the 1D mesh. To generate a uniform 1D mesh we do not need any special software, however we need to create a structure variable to hold the mesh information, similar to the one we use in more complex meshes. The first 2 lines of code are not used and descibe the 0 dimension elements e.g. boundary points. (We could set MSH(1,1) = []; instead)

MSH(1,1).elem(1,1).type = 'Bndpnt';
MSH(1,1).elem(1,1).id = [1;Np];
MSH(2,1).elem(1,1).type = 'line';
MSH(2,1).elem(1,1).id = [(1:Np-1)' (2:Np)'];
Nel = size(MSH(2,1).elem(1,1).id,1);

For initial conditions we will use a constant concentration of of 50 mg/L on the first node with id 1

CC = [1 50];

The initial distribution of the concentration will be zero

Cinit = zeros(Np, 1);

and we will run the simulation for 150 years with yearly step

T = (0:150)'*365;

Since we do not have any input/output flows we set a vector of zeros

F = sparse(Np,1);

and we will use the crank Niclolson scheme

wmega = 0.5;

Last we will define few simulation options

opt.dim=1; % This is the dimension of the problem
opt.el_type='line'; %the element type
opt.el_order='linear';% the element order (linear is the only valid option)
opt.assemblemode='vect';% theis is the mode. (use always vectorized option)
opt.capacmode='consistent';% option regarding the capacitance matrix (other option is 'lumped')

Constant transport parameters, no decay, no retardation

The most simple transport case is the one where all transport properties are constant. In addition no retardation or decay is considered.

aL = 500; %[m] longitudinal dispersivity
v = 0.15; %[m/day] velocity
lambda = 0; %[1/day] radioactive decay
K_d = 0; %[m^3/Kg] equilibrium distribution coefficient
rho_b = 1;% bulk density
Dm = 1.1578e-004;%[m^2/day] Molecular diffusion coefficient
theta = ones(Nel,1);

To assemble the mass and dispersivity matrix we call the function

[Dglo, Mglo, c]= Assemble_LHS_std(p, MSH(2,1).elem(1,1).id,...
    aL, v, rho_b, K_d, lambda, theta, Dm, CC, opt);

... and we are ready to solve the transport equation

C1 = SteadyFlowTransport(Mglo, Dglo, F, Cinit, T, c, wmega);

Plotting concentration profiles and the breakthrough curve at the outlet in matlab is easy

figure('Position',[100 100 660 220])
axis([0 5 0 150])
xlabel('Distance [km]')
ylabel('Time [years]')
xlabel('Time [years]')
ylabel('Concentration at the outlet [mg/L]')

Constant transport parameters, with decay and retardation

Now let's examine the effect of decay and retardation on the previous problem. lambda is usually defined as ln(2)/half-life. The code below iterates through various lambda coefficients that correspond to different half-life times. The snippet below defines an array of half lifes which then converted to array of lambdas and finally for display purposes a variable that will hold the legend names isi initialized. Then the codes llops and solve the ADE for each lambda value and then the results are plotted.

half_life = [10:10:100]*365;
lambda = log(2)./half_life;
clear lgnd
lgnd{1,1} = 'no decay';
for i = 1:length(lambda)
    [Dglo Mglo c]= Assemble_LHS_std(p, MSH(2,1).elem(1,1).id,...
                   aL, v, rho_b, K_d, lambda(i), theta, Dm, CC, opt);
    c_temp = SteadyFlowTransport(Mglo, Dglo, F, Cinit, T, c, wmega);
    C_lmbd(:,i) = c_temp(:,end);
    lgnd{i+1,1} = [num2str(half_life(i)/365) ' yr half-life'];
figure('Position',[100 100 560 420])
hold on
xlabel('Time [years]')
ylabel('Concentration at the outlet [mg/L]')
title('Decay effect')
hold off

Next we will set the the decay equal to zero and solve the ADE for different retardation values

lambda = 0;
K_d = [0.5:0.5:4];
clear lgnd
lgnd{1,1} = 'R = 1';
for i = 1:length(K_d)
    [Dglo Mglo c]= Assemble_LHS_std(p, MSH(2,1).elem(1,1).id,...
                aL, v, rho_b, K_d(i), lambda, theta, Dm, CC, opt);
    c_temp = SteadyFlowTransport(Mglo, Dglo, F, Cinit, T, c, wmega);
    C_rtrd(:,i) = c_temp(:,end);
    lgnd{i+1,1} = ['R = ' num2str(1+K_d(i))];
hold on
xlabel('Time [years]')
ylabel('Concentration at the outlet [mg/L]')
title('Retardation effect')

Variable transport parameters

Finally let's see how to use variable parameters. We set the velocity to be a function of x as follows:

V_fnc = inline('0.5*exp(-((x-2500)/500).^2)+0.15');
% Therefore the velocity profile along the domain is:
V_nd = V_fnc(p);
figure('Position',[100 100 300 300])
plot(p, V_fnc(p));

We can solve ADE with variable velocity by simply passing the velocity matrix as agrument

%------------ The code to solve ADE starts here--------------
K_d = 0;
[Dglo Mglo c]= Assemble_LHS_std(p, MSH(2,1).elem(1,1).id,...
                aL, V_fnc(p), rho_b, K_d, lambda, theta, Dm, CC, opt);
C_v = SteadyFlowTransport(Mglo, Dglo, F, Cinit, T, c, wmega);
%------------ The code to solve ADE ends here.--------------
%------------The code below this point is about plotting---------------
figure('Position',[100 100 560 420])
axis([0 5 0 150])
xlabel('Distance [km]')
ylabel('Time [years]')
title('Constant parameters')
axis([0 5 0 150])
xlabel('Distance [km]')
ylabel('Time [years]')
title('Variable Velocity')
xlabel('Time [years]')
ylabel('Concentration at the outlet [mg/L]')
axis([0 150 0 50])
xlabel('Time [years]')
ylabel('Concetration at the outlet [mg/L]')
axis([0 150 0 50])

Next lets define some other transport properties as function of x. Note that typically these do not make sence in real cases end we do that for illustration purposes.

Let the longitudinal dispersivity be a linear function of x which varies from 200 m at the inlet to 5000 m at the outlet.

aL_fnc = inline('200+x*0.96');

Again we solve this in similar way

[Dglo Mglo c]= Assemble_LHS_std(p, MSH(2,1).elem(1,1).id,...
                aL_fnc(p), V_fnc(p), rho_b, K_d, lambda, theta, Dm, CC, opt);
C_aL = SteadyFlowTransport(Mglo, Dglo, F, Cinit, T, c, wmega);

Finally Now lets define a variable decay. We assume that the decay is zero for the first half of the domain and then equals to 30 years half-life.

lmd_fnc = inline('(x>2500)*log(2)/(30*365)');
[Dglo Mglo c]= Assemble_LHS_std(p, MSH(2,1).elem(1,1).id,...
                aL_fnc(p), V_fnc(p), rho_b, K_d, lmd_fnc(p), theta, Dm, CC, opt);
C_lmd = SteadyFlowTransport(Mglo, Dglo, F, Cinit, T, c, wmega);

To code below plots the above results

figure('Position',[100 100 560 420])
axis([0 5 0 150])
xlabel('Distance [km]')
ylabel('Time [years]')
title('... and Variable Dispersivity')
axis([0 5 0 150])
xlabel('Distance [km]')
ylabel('Time [years]')
title('... and Variable Decay')
xlabel('Time [years]')
ylabel('Concentration at the outlet [mg/L]')
axis([0 150 0 50])
xlabel('Time [years]')
ylabel('Concentration at the outlet [mg/L]')
axis([0 150 0 50])

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