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Reads the .msh file generated from Gmsh

Version : 1.0

Author : George Kourakos


web :

Date 27-Dec-2014

Department of Land Air and Water

University of California Davis



[p MSH]=read_2D_Gmsh(varargin)


The function can take up to three inputs. filename, display_count, Use_Cpp. The inputs have to be used in the same order. If one wants to specify Use_Cpp this has to be the 3rd input and a value at least an empty argument [] for display_count is required.

filename: the name of file without the extension *.msh

_display_count_ : when the meshes are very large this function can be time consuming. Because I'm very impatient and always want to know that my script is running I allow to display the loop counters by setting this to 1. 0 or empty does not display anything

Use_Cpp: Setting this to 1 will run some parts of the code in c++. This is experimental and should be used only for very large meshes. It needs to be compiled of course and the function is written for matlab interface only at the moment.


p: coordinates of points

MSH: A structure with 3 rows. The first row corresponds to the zero dimension elements (e.g. points) The second row to 1D elements (lines) and the third row to 2D elements (triangles or quadrilaterals). Each row has the field elem. The elem consist of one or more rows where each row correspond to a different type of elements. If only one type of element is used then elem has only one row. Each row of elem has the following fields: type is the type of element. for example 'triangle' 'quad' id is the matrix which contains the connentivity of the points the last field is dom and it was supposed to be used when the Gmesh partition the mesh for parallel assembly, Currently we are doing this out of Gmsh.

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